Beautification & Culture CPC

Calendar Date:
Repeats every month on the second Tuesday.
Tuesday, April 8, 2025 - 5:30pm

Mission Statement:

The Mission of the Molalla Beautification and Culture Community Program Committee is to support and facilitate the Community Vision and local Economic Development.  The Purpose of the Molalla Beautification and Culture Community Program Committee is to engage and activate the greater Molalla Community and community partners to promote the Arts in their many forms, identify and emphasize the distinct Cultural elements of the Molalla Community, and enhance the aesthetic Beauty of the Molalla landscape.

Interested in being a part of this committee? To qualify, applicants must be U.S. citizens and submit a completed Application for Appointment to a Citizen Committee. Forms are also available at City Hall.  Each applicant shall include a brief statement of why you wish to serve on the committee. Applicants may include a resume with their applications. 


Meeting are typically held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 5:30 pm at the Chamber of Commerce Offices at 109 E. Main St.


Elizabeth Klein - Committee Chair

Connie Sharp - Committee Vice-Chair

Terry Shankle

Roxie Smith

Pamela Lucht

Leota Childress 



City contact coordinator:  Suzanne Baughman (