Starting a New Business?


We are glad you are interested in starting a new business, or expanding your current one. Or maybe you are just curious about what it's like to live in our town.

The information located on this page may pertain to your questions or may help you with decisions regarding developing property or building a new home. I suggest you begin at Molalla City Hall.

City Hall is located at 117 N. Molalla Avenue, right in the heart of downtown and is available to assist you in your endeavors. My staff and I are available to guide you through the development process, provide city regulations, interpret our zoning map and walk you through our Development Code.

Please let us know if we can assist you in any way. In the meantime, here are a few links that we think you may find helpful.


Dan Huff, City Manager

Local Utilities & Services Information

ODOT - State Highway Maintenance Information

Planning Department (Info Galore!)