Candidates for Election - November 2024


Section 2.02.040 of the Molalla Municipal Code requires anyone who files a petition for nomination for an elective City position to also file a form either consenting or refusing to consent to a criminal history check.  Under the Ordinance, the City Recorder is required to publish the results in a Voter Information Document.


Candidates for Mayor - one(1) position available

  • SCOTT KEYSER - Consented: No Record Found
  • JENNIFER SATTER - Consented: No Record Found
  • AMY WILLIAMS - Consented: No Record Found

Candidates for Councilor - three (3) seats available

  • DARCI LIGHTNER - Consented: No Record Found
  • ERIC VERMILLION - Consented: No Record Found
  • DOUG GILMER - Consented: No Record Found
  • MARTIN BARTHOLOMEW - Consented: No Record Found
  • TOM LUTTRELL - Refused Consent

Finalized: August 27, 2024