Boards, Commissions, and Committees

The following are City of Molalla Boards, Commissions, or Committees:

  • Budget Committee: The Budget Committee meets annually to review and recommend the proposed City budget to the City Council. 
  • City Council: The City Council is composed of a mayor and six Councilors elected from the City at large for terms of four years each, and for no more than two consecutive terms. A Council President is elected by the Council at the beginning of each year to perform the duties of Mayor in the absence of that officer.
  • Community Program Committee:  CPC’s are community involvement opportunities established by the Molalla City Council in order to foster community projects, events and focus. These opportunities are intended to focus on one or more areas identified within the Molalla Area Vision and Action Plan 2030.
  • Library Board: The Library Board meets a minimum of once a year in February. Other meetings announced.
  • Planning Commission: The Planning Commission serves as the citizens' committee that reviews certain land use decisions, decides upon appeals and makes recommendations to the City Council.
  • Urban Renewal Agency: The City Council serves as the Urban Renewal Agency Board.

Additional information can be found on the City Recorder's webpage. 

Applicants must be 18 or older and a resident of the city of Molalla for a minimum of 12 months.