Mobile Food Units (aka "Food Carts")
Within the city limits of Molalla, Mobile Food Units are regulated by MMC 17-2.3.220. The provisions do not apply to indoor mobile food units, or mobile food units allowed pursuant to a Special Event Permit issued by the City.
City Planning Review and Approval Requirement – Mobile food units must obtain planning approvals for the site and type of operation proposed. The City of Molalla has 3 separate permitting processes, read on to identify the one that best matches your proposal.
Please contact the Planning Department if you have further questions at, (503) 759-0205.
County Health Department Permit Requirement – Before the Planning Department can issue final approval a Clackamas County Mobile Food Unit license is required. You can and should apply for City Planning Approvals and County Health Approvals concurrently.
Please contact the Clackamas County Environmental Health Department for further information at, (503) 655-8384, or visit the Environmental Health Mobile Food Unit webpage.
City Business License Requirement – All mobile food units must obtain a City of Molalla Business license prior to operation. Your business license will not be approved until you have planning approval for an operating site.
Contact the Business License Coordinator for further information at (503) 759-0291 or visit the City of Molalla Business Licensing webpage.
Molalla Fire District Inspection – All mobile food units must pass an inspection from the Fire Marshall prior to operation. Contact the Fire District for more information at (503) 829-2200.
System Development Charges – Each site approved for a Permanent Mobile Food Unit will be liable for payment of SDC’s prior to permit issuance. These include transportation, sewer (if connecting), water (if connecting), and storm (if impervious area is increased by the proposal).
Building Permits – May be required if a structure or activity subject to State Building Code is proposed with the Mobile Food Unit placement. The City Planning Department will advise on this on a case-by-case basis.
MFU Permitting Process Overview
Permits for Temporary Mobile Food Units (onsite for 8 hours or less). MMC 17-2.3.220(D)(1).
Temporary Mobile Food Units (TMFU) may only remain on-site for 8 or less hours in a calendar day. They must be removed from the site at the end of each operating period and cannot return until the following day.
TMFU’s require a Type 1 Site Review from City Planning for each site upon which they operate. This is initiated using an Other Type 1 application form, narrative, site plan, and fee.
Your narrative and site plan must combine to respond to all applicable requirements in MMC 17-2.3.220 including: (B)(1) General Requirements, and (C)(1) Temporary Mobile Food Units.
County Health Department MFU licensure should be sought at the same time if the unit is not already licensed. You must provide a copy of the license prior to final approval.
Fire District inspection will be required prior to operation, you must contact the Fire District to arrange this.
Permits for Permanent Mobile Food Units (PMFU’s) that are Accessory to a Primary Use. MMC 17-2.3.220(D)(2).
Permanent mobile food units may remain on-site permanently and operate in accordance with the time limitations for MFU’s or as modified by a conditional use permit approval. Permanent Mobile Food Units that are accessory to a primary use are limited to a maximum of 2 per site.
PMFU’s that are accessory to a primary use require a Type 1 Site Review from City Planning which is initiated using an Other Type 1 application form, narrative, site plan, and fee.
Your narrative and site plan must combine to respond to all applicable requirements in MMC 17-2.3.220 including: (B)(1) General Requirements, and (C)(2) Single or double Permanent Mobile Food Units.
County Health Department MFU licensure should be sought at the same time if the unit is not already licensed. You must provide a copy of the license prior to final approval.
Fire District inspection will be required prior to operation, you must contact the Fire District to arrange this.
*Note: SDC’s apply to this type of MFU placement.
Permits for Mobile Food Unit Pods, and other Permanent Mobile Food Units that are the Primary Use. MMC 17-2.3.220(D)(2).
PMFU’s s may remain on-site permanently and operate in accordance with the time limitations for MFU’s or as modified by a conditional use permit approval. A pod is a collection of three or more PMFU’s operating on a single site. This section also applies to PMFU’s that are the primary use on a site, but do not qualify as a pod due to only 1-2 units being on-site.
MFU Pods and Primary Use MFU’s require a Type II or Type III Site Review determined by MMC 17-4.2 which requires:
First, a pre-application conference using a Due Diligence and Pre-App Conference application form, narrative, rough site plan, and fee.
Second, a site design review using a Land Use Action form, narrative, any required engineering reports, site plan(s), and fee.
Your narrative and site plan must combine to respond to all applicable requirements in MMC 17-2.3.220 including: (B)(1) General Requirements, and either (C)(2) Single or double Permanent Mobile Food Units, or (C)(3) Mobile Food Unit Pods, as applicable.
Additionally, your application submittals, narrative and site plan must meet the requirements for Site Design Review and Approval under MMC 17-4.2.040 – 17-4.2.050.
County Health Department MFU licensure should be sought at the same time if the unit is not already licensed. You must provide a copy of the license prior to final approval.
Fire District inspection will be required prior to operation, you must contact the Fire District to arrange this.
*Note: SDC’s apply to this type of MFU placement.
Where are Mobile Food Units Allowed to Operate?
The table below indicates where Temporary and Permanent Mobile Food Units can operate based on zoning. The Molalla Zoning Map is available on the Planning Department page of the City’s website. The Special Use Standards referenced in the table are made up of the Mobile Food Unit Ordinance referenced above, MMC 17-2.3.220.
Central Commercial (C-1) |
General Commercial (C-2) |
Light Industrial (M-1) |
Heavy Industrial (M-2) |
Permanent Mobile Food Unit | S | S | S | N |
Temporaty Mobile Food Unit | N | S | S | S |
Special Event Mobile Food Unit | Allowed subject to special event permit approval |
S = Permitted Subject to Special Use Standards, N= Not Permitted
Please contact the City of Molalla Planning Department at (503) 759-0205, or by email at